You showed out of nowhere one day asking for a lighter.
We exchanged two fingers of conversation and after that,
it became common for you to invite me to smoke with you.
The silly conversations made me always laugh.
Now I catch myself unconsciously looking around for you in this vast airport.
Yesterday I saw you while I was leaving,
we exchanged "hi" and you left.
Or I thought you did.
You were at the door holding it open for me
and we walked together for only a minute
but you made me laugh anyway.
On the train back home I caught myself smiling while thinking of it.
I had to stop myself, slapping my face in front of everyone.
And now, I am writing about you...
I don't know what's happening to me but I must stop and run.
It's been only a couple of weeks, but I am already feeling things that I don't know what they are.
Everyone tells me to be cautious with you, and I have this feeling you're playing with me
and that you did this to a few more,
and maybe you're doing it even now, at the same time.
I don't know how to handle this when you're already haunting me in my dreams.
Maybe it will pass just as fast as it began,
and perhaps, you will magically stop giving me butterflies.
Until then, I will try to stop myself from looking for your face in this vast airport.
the fall